Price List of Adopted Instructional Materials
Use the Price list search below to locate K-8 instructional materials that are currently adopted by the California State Board of Education. For search help, visit the Price List Search Introduction.
Shipping/freight charges are included in the price. Sales tax is not included. The current sales tax must be added to the total amount of the order.
Enter a full or partial ISBN with or without hyphens. ISBN field supersedes all other search criteria.
Grade Level:
"All Grade Levels" supercedes any other Grade Levels selected.
Results are returned if any one of these words are found in the description of the item. The search will ignore common words (e.g., and, or, the, etc).
Results are returned if all of these words are found in the description of the item. The search will ignore common words (e.g., and, or, the, etc). If "Exact Phrase" is checked, no word will be ignored, and the ordering of the words must also match.
Alternate Format:
Student Edition Textbook:
Prices of previously adopted instructional materials are no longer valid.
*Please Note: The links to previously adopted instructional materials are NOT currently adopted by the SBE. The currently adopted instructional materials can be found by using the search engine above.