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School Library Survey Collecting Information from the 2022-23 Academic Year

This printable version of the CDE Library Evaluation Tool is available for use as a worksheet for your files, for use in training, and before going online. Please note the printed version shows all possible questions, some of which are conditional. The online evaluation tool is located at and is password protected. Contact Renée Ousley-Swank at 916-319-0449 or for password information and to schedule a training.

  1. Did you have a dedicated common area in your school designated as the library in the 2022–23 academic year?

    Name of the adjacent school library:

Question #1 (Continued): If your school building did NOT have a designated library facility, what was the reason?

Question #1 (Continued): If your school had a library facility in the past but no longer does, what were the reasons for the closure of the school library? Please check all that apply:

  1. Our school had a joint-use library with a:

    Specify name of the joint-use partner:

  2. If possible, briefly explain how the joint-use school library was funded and managed (e.g., each site had its own budget for collection development, and we shared staff; I'm not sure).

These questions (unless noted) focus on the library program at the site level. If you worked at multiple sites, answer the questions as the program ran for the present school you are completing the evaluation for, and complete a separate evaluation for each site at which you worked.

  1. We had a partnership with our local public library.

Please provide a brief description of the partnership (e.g., after school programs, accessing public library databases – online eCard, One Card program – student ID is full public library access card).

Library Staffing

For purposes of answering questions referring to staff working in the library, stop and think about how the library staff was paid. If staff was paid a teacher contract (annual set salary), select credentialed, but if staff was paid a classified hourly salary (paid an hourly wage), select classified.

Credentialed Teacher Librarian – Individual holds a California teaching credential and a California Teacher Librarian Services Credential or an Emergency Teacher Librarian Services Credential and is paid as a teacher on contract.

Credentialed Teacher, Not Librarian – Individual holds a California teaching credential with no library endorsement and is paid as a teacher on contract.

Classified Library Staff – May be called aide, clerk, technician, assistant, etc., but is NOT paid a teacher contract (paid an hourly wage and not a set annual contract).

For more information on who can provide library-related services, see the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing – Authorizations for Librarian Services chart. External link

  1. Did you have at least one paid credentialed staff working in the school library?
    (Teacher contract and certificated salary schedule) (Contracting for a Librarian of Record does not count at the school level.)

Library Staffing

  1. What library certification did the credentialed staff hold?

Please explain certificate held by the credentialed staff.

Library Staffing

  1. Did you have at least one paid classified library staff working in the school library?
    (Hourly wage, paid by the hour and not a set annual salary)

Library Staffing

Some districts require their classified library staff to possess an A.A. degree in Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC). For further information, visit LSSC home pageExternal link.
  1. What training did the classified library staff possess and/or receive? (Select all that apply.)

Specify where you earned your certificate:
Specify other classified training:

Library Staffing

Please enter the total number of weekly hours typically worked for all paid staff assigned to this single school library. For example, if there were two school/teacher librarians and one worked 40 hours per week and the other worked 20 hours per week, enter 60 for the weekly hours. If there were no hours worked, then mark 0. Please note if you work part time in the library and part time in another position, only record the hours paid to work in the library. The Full Time Equivalent (FTE) hours will be calculated for you. In the last part of the evaluation you will have an opportunity to share what duties and extra activities you performed in 2022–23.

ProfessionWeekly HoursFTE
9. Credentialed staff
10. Classified staff

  1. At how many different school libraries did the certificated staff serve in 2022–23? (If there were no certificated staff serving this site, then mark 0.)
  1. At how many different school libraries did the classified staff serve in 2022–23? (If there were no classified staff serving this site, then mark 0.)
  1. Did you have any volunteers, other than students, working in the library?
Approximately how many people volunteered?

Approximately, how many hours in a week did people volunteer?
In the following section, some of the questions focus on Access as outlined in the California Model School Library Standards (CA MSLS) – School Library Program Standard B (Access).

Library Access

Library Service Hours in a Typical Week

Report the typical weekly number of hours the school library was staffed and open for use.

  1. How many hours total was school library service available per week, typically (e.g., 32 hours)?   

  2. When was school library service typically available for student use? (Select all that apply.)

  3. Which of the following terms best describes the method used to schedule classes for school library services?

  4. Approximately how many school days per school year was the library in your building closed for use as a testing space or for other use not related specifically to the library program?

Library Access

Library's Physical Space

Description Yes/No Answer
18. a) The library facility had enough space to accommodate one class for instruction.
      b) Plus additional individuals and small groups working independently.
19. There was enough space to accommodate the library collection, furnishings, and equipment.
20. The space was flexible, allowing for different configurations depending upon need.
21. The library had a makerspace.

Library Access

Library's Virtual Presence

Did the school library have:

Description Answer
22. A library website with or without access to online library catalog (school library did not have website)
23. Collaboration software (e.g., SharePoint, Google Drive, Teams etc.)
24. Was your library program promoted via social media?

Library Access


CA MSLS recommend the following number of computers in the school library: minimum of one class set of networked computers composed of at least 10 at the elementary school, 15 at the middle school, and 25 at the high school.
  1. How many computers were housed in and available in your school library for direct instruction and/or student use during library programs? (This would include tablets and/or Chromebooks that were available for use in the library and not carts of devices that are checked out to teachers or classroom.)
  1. Considering the school district’s filtering software, were students able to access and utilize web-based productivity/collaboration tools (e.g., wikis, blogs, Google Docs, or similar tools) via the school network?

  2. When were students allowed to bring their own computers/devices to the library? (Select all that apply.)

RESOURCES: School Library Collection

In the following section, some of the questions focus on Resources as outlined in the California Model School Library Standards – School Library Program Standard D (Resources). Resources include print and digital materials (e.g., subscription databases, audiobooks, e-books) that align with the curriculum and are accessible to students with various cognitive or language needs.

Overall Collection

  1. Did you have a library management system (e.g., Follett Destiny, Alexandria, etc.)?

Do you have access to run reports in the library management system or do you know who to ask to run reports?

  1. Enter the number of print books in the school library collection at the end of the 2022–23 academic year. Include reference books in your count, and count each reference volume as one.

  1. Were electronic book (e-Book) titles purchased for library use during the 2022–23 academic year?

  2. Enter the number of subscriptions to magazines and newspapers during the 2022–23 academic year (count subscriptions, not individual titles or issues).

RESOURCES: School Library Collection

Age of Collection

To determine the average copyright date of the books in a Dewey section, if your library management system will not automatically calculate the average, follow the steps below for a manual calculation:
  • Count the number of books in all of the Dewey section being surveyed.
  • Next, add the copyright dates of all the books in the Dewey section being surveyed.
  • Divide the sum of the copyright dates by the total number of books in the Dewey section being surveyed.
  • Enter whole numbers only. Do not use letters, words, or any form of punctuation.
  • Example: Assuming you had only six books in the Dewey section being surveyed and their copyright dates were 1984, 1992, 2001, 2005, and two books from 2011, then: 1984 + 1992 + 2001 + 2005 + 2011 + 2011 = 12,004. Then 12,004 ÷ 6 = 2001 (rounded off to a whole number).
  • Correct entry: 2001.
  • If there is no possible way for you to calculate the average age, then answer 0000.
  1. Enter the average copyright date of the books listed under the subject heading “Native Americans” (or the former heading “Indians of North America”) Include books in the circulating section, reference section, and digital titles owned by the library. We are asking for the average copyright date of your largest section of Native American informational titles (typically cataloged somewhere in the 900s).
    Average copyright date of “Native American” books. Round off to a four digit year.
  2. Enter the average copyright date of the books in your whole collection. Include books in the circulating section, reference section, and the digital titles owned by the library.
    Average copyright date of books in your whole collection. If you cannot calculate the average age of the whole collection using the library management system, then answer with 0000. Round off to a four digit year.

Licensed Databases

  1. Did your library offer access to any online subscription information databases for students in the 2022–23 academic year? This question does not apply to databases offered by the local public library, California’s K–12 Online Resources, or search engines. Examples of subscription information databases include: EBSCO Ultra, World Book Online, etc.
  2. Did your school provide access to California's K–12 Online Resources - Encyclopaedia Britannica, Pro-Quest, and TeachingBooks?

2022–23 Budget

Answer these questions to the best of your ability. This is an excellent section to sit down and discuss with your principal. If you are uncertain of an answer, then we encourage you to work with your principal and/or office staff to answer questions related to how the school funded and supported the library program.
  1. a) How much money was spent in the school library for the purchase of library books during the 2022–23 academic year? Include both print titles and digital titles (eBooks that you own). Include processing costs if purchased with library books.

b) Was the budget to purchase library books provided at the site level and/or the district level?

2022–23 Budget

  1. If you spent more than $50,000 on books enter the amount here.
    PLEASE NOTE: Enter whole numbers only. Do not use letters, words, or any form of punctuation.
    Correct entry: 150000.
    Incorrect entries: "approx. 150,000," "one hundred fifty thousand," "150,000+."

2022–23 Budget

  1. a) How much money was spent in the school library for the purchase of library materials other than books during the 2022–23 academic year? Include periodicals (paper or electronic), technology and media resources, online subscriptions to resources, and related equipment. Do not include salaries, conference expenses, routine supplies, maintenance agreements, district purchases of shared electronic databases, etc.

b) Was the budget to purchase library materials other than books provided at the site level and/or the district level?

2022–23 Budget

  1. If you spent more than $25,000 on materials other than books, enter the amount here.
    PLEASE NOTE: Enter whole numbers only. Do not use letters, words, or any form of punctuation.
    Correct entry: 150000.
    Incorrect entries: "approx. 150,000," "one hundred fifty thousand," "150,000+."

2022–23 Budget

  1. Check one or more of the following funds used to purchase library materials during the 2022–23 academic year.

  2. Was your library program written into your Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)?

Was the library funding tied to your LCAP?

Curriculum and Instruction

General Programming

This section is designed to gather a basic understanding of the type of library program offered to your school community. The questions move from broad, general program questions to progressively more focused questions on instruction and teaching. The California Model School Library Standards provide the basis for the emphasis on instruction and teaching.
  1. Did you have a library policy/procedure manual?

  2. When was the last time library staff job descriptions were updated and approved? (if you do not know the answer or where to find it, then answer “not sure”)
  3. How often did the library staff meet at the district level for planning and professional development?

    Who was responsible for organizing and leading these meetings (if there were no meetings, answer N/A)?
If no training or professional development is offered at the district level, would you be interested in learning about opportunities to improve your skills?

Curriculum and Instruction

Basic Services

This section of questions asks about general services and basic instruction that might be performed by any and all library staff regardless of credential and/or title. If you work in the library at multiple sites, or work part time in the library and part time in another area on campus and/or work less than full time, then we do not expect to see all of these services being provided. The questions reflect the ideal based on the Model School Library Standards, and with limited staffing and hours it is not possible to provide the ideal program.

  1. What types of activities occurred during a typical class session? (Select all that apply.)

  2. What was the average number of classes that had a library session in a typical week?
  3. A typical/average class session lasted:

Curriculum and Instruction

Teaching Approaches

These next questions are intended to gain an accurate picture of what level of services were being provided in your school library program. While the questions' emphases are on a strong library program – the ideal: a team of a teacher librarian plus library support staff – we expect to see a range of services provided that correspond to the staffing level and staff expertise.

This section of questions aligns with the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing – Authorizations for Librarian Services chart that outlines who can provide library-related duties.

Report how often you engaged in various teaching activities as defined in the California Model School Library Standards – School Library Program Standard C (teacher librarian responsibilities).

48. Planned collaborative instructional unit with teachers
49. Taught students how to be digitally literate
50. a) Managed the library, including collection development, analysis of the collection (e.g., overall age and relevance; diversity, equity, & inclusion representation), and supervision of ordering
b) Our collection development included weeding, de-selection, and withdrawals

  1. What entity managed the collection?

  2. Library classes were taught while classroom teachers had planning time.

Please explain what types of activities or instruction occurred in the library during teaching planning time:
  1. How did you implement the CA MSLS?

  2. I was called upon to lead and/or provide professional development.

I led and provided professional development in the following manner (select all that apply):

Describe the manner in which you led and provided professional development (other):

Library Program Impacts

These final few questions are new and based on feedback you shared. It is clear from your comments that you are doing many things within your workday as well as outside your workday. Some of these activities/duties have a direct positive impact on your students and school community, while others take time away from working directly with students and teachers.

  1. a) Library staff was responsible for distribution, tracking, and management of assets (check all that apply):

    b) Choose the description that best summarizes the amount of time staff spent distributing, tracking, and managing assets:

  2. Was library staff pulled from the library to assist in another position as needed (e.g., substituting or covering classes, filling in for support staff, etc.)?

Approximately how many times a year was staff pulled from the library?
  1. a) Library staff supported literacy by providing some of the following services, and/or offering extra activities (check all that apply):

    b) Which best describes when staff offered these services?

  1. What information would you like to share that was not asked in this library program evaluation tool (e.g., what you are most proud of; explanation of fund raising; description of how you split time between sites; what support would you like)?

Contact Information

Respondent Information

(If your library has a website.)

In case we need to clarify any of your answers, please provide the appropriate contact information for the individual responsible for library services in your district. (In some cases this may be the same individual as above.)

Thank you for your time and effort to complete this evaluation tool. Your answers are invaluable.

In order to complete the submission, you must select the “Next” button, and on the next page select the “Submit” button.

Questions: Renée Ousley-Swank, Education Consultant | | 916-319-0449

California Department of Education
1430 N Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

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