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California Department of Education
CA Dept of Education
Conference Registration
Registrations are no longer being accepted for this event.
Event capacity has been met or exceeded. Please contact us if you would like to be waitlisted.
SSPI Distance Learning Innovations for Special Education Webinar
Please join us to learn and listen to Special Education educators who have been innovative in meeting the needs of their students during this time of distance learning. We would also like to hear from you! If you have great strategies and lessons you have used to help meet your students’ needs, we want to hear about what you are doing. Please email us at
and you may be featured on upcoming webinars to share your best practices with colleagues across the state.
The webinar will also be streamed live on
CAEducation's Facebook page
Event Date and Time
Event Starts:
Thursday, April 2, 2020, 3:00 PM
Event Ends:
Thursday, April 2, 2020, 4:00 PM
Registration Information
Registration Deadline:
Thursday, April 2, 2020, 10:00 AM
Registration Fee:
5000 (current registrations: 5089)
On-line Webinar URL will be distributed via email prior to the meeting.
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