J-90 File Layouts - 2007-08 readdb0708.txt 12-23-2008 December 23, 2008 IMPORTANT: This file contains the file format layouts you will need to interpret the J-90 Teacher Salary Databases. REPORT OF 2007-08 TEACHER SALARY AND BENEFIT DATA (Form J-90) Background: ----------------------------------- In a continuing effort to share the results of our data collections with the school districts and county offices of education that make them possible, we are making available the entire database of J-90 data. The database is based on information submitted by school districts and county offices on the annual "Salary and Benefits Schedule for the Certificated Bargaining Unit," Form J-90. This information has proven very useful in making district-to- district comparisons during teacher salary negotiations. We also use the information from the Form J-90 to furnish school districts with statewide average salaries required for the School Accountability Report Card (Education Code Section 41409.3). Caveat: ----------------------------------- Keep in mind that the database, although thoroughly checked, may contain errors that will be identified as the information is used. Files: ----------------------------------- The following four files comprise the J-90 database: fixdinfo: Contains information for sections I, III, and IV of the J-90. colmhdgs: Contains the text headings entered for each of the columns in the salary schedule, Section II. salxstep: Contains the salary and FTEs for each column and salary in Section II. beneinfo: Contains the benefit information in Section V. In addition to these four files, the j900708.exe also contains the summarized report SELECTED CERTIFICATED SALARIES AND RELATED STATISTICS and the readdb0708.txt readme file. The file j900708.exe is a self-extracting zipped file that contains these files. After downloading the file, copy it to an empty directory and extract by double-clicking on the file. The extracted files are quote and comma delimited format (.txt extension) and will be extracted to the C:\J90_0708\ directory (by default). FILE LAYOUT: FIXDINFO (841 records) Field Name Description Field Type COUNTY County Code Text CDS District code Text TS1_DNAME District name Text TS1_COUNTY County name Text TS1_TYPE LEA type Text TS1_ADA 2nd Period ADA Number TS1_BACOL BA + 60 Number TS1_PCTCHG % change over prior year's salary Number TS1_NDAYS Number of teaching days Number TS1_RDAYS Number of service days Number TS1_HSTEP Highest Step Number TS1_HCOL Highest Column Number TS1_MINSAL Minimum Salary Number TS1_MAXSAL Maximum Salary Number TS1_TOTFTE Total FTEs Number TS1_COUNS Flag for counselors in schedule Text TS1_NURSE Flag for nurses in schedule Text TS1_PSYCH Flag for psychologists in schedule Text TS1_LIBRA Flag for librarians in schedule Text TS1_MBONAM Bonus, master's degree (amount) Number TS1_MBONFT No. eligible for master's bonus Number TS1_DBONAM Bonus, doctorate degree (amount) Number TS1_DBONFT No. eligible for doctorate bonus Number TS1_SEBONA Bonus, special education (amount) Number TS1_SEBONF No. eligible for spec. ed. assignnt Number TS1_BBONAM Bonus, bilingual assignment (amount) Number TS1_BBONFT No. eligible for bilingual bonus Number TS1_O1BONA Bonus, other assignment (amount) Number TS1_O1BONF No. eligible for other bonus Number TS1_O1DESC Description, other bonus Text TS1_O2BONA Bonus, other assignment (amount) Number TS1_O2BONF No. eligible for other bonus Number TS1_O2DESC Description, other bonus Text TS1_O3BONA Bonus, other assignment (amount) Number TS1_O3BONF No. eligible for other bonus Number TS1_O3DESC Description, other bonus Text TS1_O4BONA Bonus, other assignment (amount) Number TS1_O4BONF No. eligible for other bonus Number TS1_O4DESC Description, other bonus Text TS1_PRINE Schoolsite (elem.) princ. salary Number TS1_PRINM Schoolsite (middle) princ. salary Number TS1_PRINH Schoolsite (high) princ. salary Number TS1_SUPT District superintendent's salary Number TS1_DPRINE Service days, principal (elem) Number TS1_DPRINM Service days, principal (midd) Number TS1_DPRINH Service days, principal (high sch.) Number TS1_DISSUP Service days, superintendent Number TS1_PCTSUP Weighted percentage superintendent Number TS1_PCTPRN Weighted percentage principal Number TS1_PCTOTH Weighted percentage other Number TS1_EFFDAT Effective date Date/Time TS1_BRDDAT Board date (No longer used) Text TS1_Maxcaf Max. ann. emp. contr.to cafe plan Number TS1_Maxsin Max. ann. emp. contr.to single plan Number TS1_Maxtwo Max. ann. emp. contr.to 2-party plan Number TS1_Maxfam Max. ann. emp. contr.to family plan Number Included Benefits incl. in salary schedule? Text FILE LAYOUT: SALXSTEP (83,547 records) Field Name Description Field Type COUNTY County code Text CDS District code Text TS3_COL Column Number TS3_STEP Row Number TS3_SALARY Amount of salary for one FTE Number TS3_FTE No. FTE employed at this step & col Number EXT_SALARY Salary multiplied by FTEs Number FILE LAYOUT: COLMHDGS (4,816 records) Field Name Description Field Type COUNTY County code Text CDS District code Text TS2_COL Relative position of column heading Number TS2_COL1 Column description, first line Text TS2_COL1A Column description, second line Text TS2_COL2 Column description, third line Text TS2_COL3 Column description, fourth line Text TS2_COL3A Column description, fifth line Text FILE LAYOUT: BENEINFO (8,737 records) Field Name Description Field Type COUNTY County code Text CDS District code Text TS4_BEN Type of benefit Text TS4_DESC Description of benefit Text TS4_STEP Step of position Number TS4_COLUMN Column of position Number TS4_ANNUAL Annual cost of benefits Number TS4_CONTR Employer contribution Number TS4_FTE No. of FTEs eligible for benefit Number Questions may be directed to Office of Financial Accountability and Information Services at: sacsinfo@cde.ca.gov 916-322-1770