Readme for the 2016-17 Report of Teacher Salary and Benefit Data (Form J-90) December 1, 2017 Background: -------------------------------------------------------- In a continuing effort to share the results of our data collections, we are making available the entire database of J-90 data. The database is based on information submitted by school districts and county offices on the annual "Salary and Benefits Schedule for the Certificated Bargaining unit," Form J-90. The self-extracting zipped file j901617.exe contains three files: the readme file (j901617readme.docx), the summarized report 2016-17 Summary Report.pdf, and a Microsoft Access database, j901617.mdb. When executed, the files are extracted onto your PC into the default subdirectory C:\j901617. (You can change the extract directory.) File Layouts for the Access Database -------------------------------------------------------- J-90 TSAL117 File Contains information from sections I, III, IV, V, and VI of the J-90 Field # of Characters or Number Source Description of Contents County C 2 J-90 Two digit county code District C 5 J-90 Five digit district Code CDS C 7 J-90 Seven digit combined code - Note this is the code used as a key for all records in system TS1_Dname C 34 Master District Name (Long name) TS1_County C 18 Master County Name TS1_Type C 1 Master "0=COE, 1=Elementary, 2=High School, 4=Unified, 3=Common Admin District" TS1_ADA N 7 Master The current P-2 ADA TS1_BACol N 2 J-90 The column number for BA+60 determination TS1_Pctchg N 7.2 J-90 Percentage change in salary schedule over last year. TS1_Ndays N 4 J-90 Number of student instructional days TS1_Rdays N 4 J-90 Number of service days required of returning teachers TS1_Hstep N 3 J-90 Highest entry level step for experienced teacher. TS1_Hcol N 3 J-90 Column indicator for entry level experienced teacher. TS1_Minsal N 6 J-90 The minimum salary offered to teaching staff. TS1_Maxsal N 6 J-90 The maximum salary offered to teaching staff TS1_totfte N 10.2 J-90 The number of full time teachers on salary schedule. TS1_couns C 1 J-90 Indicates whether counselors are paid from salary schedule. TS1_nurse C 1 J-90 Indicates whether nurses are paid from salary schedule. TS1_psych C 1 J-90 Indicates whether psychologists are paid from salary schedule. TS1_libra C 1 J-90 Indicates whether librarians are paid from salary schedule. TS1_MBonam N 9.2 J-90 Indicates bonus amount paid over salary schedule for Masters degree. TS1_Mbonft N 9.2 J-90 Indicates number of FTE's eligible for Masters degree bonus TS1_Dbonam N 9.2 J-90 Indicates bonus amount paid over salary schedule for Doctorate degree. TS1_Dbonft N 9.2 J-90 Indicates number of FTE's eligible for Doctorate degree bonus. TS1_SEbona N 9.2 J-90 Indicates bonus amount paid over salary schedule for Special Education assignment. TS1_SEbonf N 9.2 J-90 Number of FTE's eligible for Special Education assignment bonus. TS1_BBonam N 9.2 J-90 Indicates bonus amount paid over salary schedule for Bilingual assignments. TS1_BBonft N 9.2 J-90 Number of FTE's eligible for Bilingual assignments bonus. TS1_O1bona N 9.2 J-90 Indicates bonus amount paid over salary schedule for other Credential Instructional Assignments (up to 4 the user can add). TS1_O2bona N 9.2 J-90 Indicates bonus amount paid over salary schedule for other Credential Instructional Assignments (up to 4 the user can add). TS1_O3bona N 9.2 J-90 Indicates bonus amount paid over salary schedule for other Credential Instructional Assignments (up to 4 the user can add). TS1_O4bona N 9.2 J-90 Indicates bonus amount paid over salary schedule for other Credential Instructional Assignments (up to 4 the user can add). TS1_O1bonf N 9.2 J-90 Number of FTE's for each type of additional bonus. TS1_O2bonf N 9.2 J-90 Number of FTE's for each type of additional bonus. TS1_O3bonf N 9.2 J-90 Number of FTE's for each type of additional bonus. TS1_O4bonf N 9.2 J-90 Number of FTE's for each type of additional bonus. TS1_O1desc C 20 J-90 Description of each additional bonus. TS1_O2desc C 20 J-90 Description of each additional bonus. TS1_O3desc C 20 J-90 Description of each additional bonus. TS1_O4desc C 20 J-90 Description of each additional bonus. TS1_PrinE N 9.2 J-90 The average annual elementary principal salary. TS1_PrinM N 9.2 J-90 The average annual middle school principal salary. TS1_PrinH N 9.2 J-90 The average annual high school principal salary. TS1_Supt N 9.2 J-90 The annual salary of the district superintendent. TS1_DprinE N 9.2 J-90 Number of obligated service days for elementary school principles. TS1_DprinM N 9.2 J-90 Number of obligated service days for middle school principles. TS1_DprinH N 9.2 J-90 Number of obligated service days for high school principles. TS1_Dissup N 9.2 J-90 Number of obligated service days for District Superintendent. TS1_Pctsup N 6.2 J-90 Percentage for the Superintendent if it is less than full time. TS1_Effdat Date J-90 The effective date of the contract. TS1_Note C 80 J-90 The name of the agency or trust through which the district purchases the health plans. TS1_Conf C 1 Entered "After the district returns the confirmation form to SSC,. this field contains a ""Y""." TS1_Maxcaf N 8.2 J-90 The maximum annual employer contributions to cafeteria plan. TS1_Maxsin N 8.2 J-90 The maximum annual employer contributions to single plan per employee. TS1_Maxtwo N 8.2 J-90 The maximum annual employer contributions to a two party plan per employee. TS1_Maxfam N 8.2 J-90 The maximum annual employer contributions to a family plan per employee. TS1_CAPTYPE C 2 J-90 Is the cap hard or soft or NA Printed C 1 Entered This indicates whether the confirmation letters were printed. Lastcol N 2 J-90 Indicates the last column on salary schedule Note2_1 C 60 J-90 Minimum salary exception explanation Note2_2 C 60 J-90 Minimum salary exception explanation Note3_1 C 60 J-90 Maximum salary exception explanation Note3_2 C 60 J-90 Maximum salary exception explanation Note4_1 C 60 J-90 Benefits FTE exception explanation Note4_2 C 60 J-90 Benefits FTE exception explanation Other_plan N 1 J-90 "Is other benefit plan, a replacement or addition to the other health plans; 1=addition, 2=replacement" Ben_life C 1 J-90 Does district cover retirees for life? (Y/N) Ben_stop N 3 J-90 "If not for life, when do benefits stop? Age or years" Disk C 1 J-90 Did district submit data on disk? (Y) Maxbonpct N 6.2 J-90 Maximum bonus percentage H_plan N 2 J-90 Number of Health plans D_plan N 2 J-90 Number of dental plans V_plan N 2 J-90 Number of vision plans L_plan N 2 J-90 Number of life plans O_plan N 2 J-90 Number of other plans Axbonusa N 6 J-90 Across the board bonus amount Axbonusp N 5.2 J-90 Across the board bonus percentage Retroact C 1 J-90 Can salary schedule retroactive? (Y/N) Include C 1 J-90 Are the benefit dollars included in the salary schedule? (Y/N) TS1_cbonam N 9.2 J-90 For CLAD bonus amount TS1_cbonft N 9.2 J-90 For CLAD bonus FTEs TS1_bcbona N 9.2 J-90 For BCLAD bonus amount TS1_bcbonf N 9.2 J-90 For BCLAD bonus FTEs TS1_nbonam N 9.2 J-90 For National Teacher Certification bonus amount TS1_nbonft N 9.2 J-90 For National Teacher Certification bonus FTEs Estep N 2 J-90 Highest entry step for an emergency or intern credential teacher Ecol N 2 J-90 Highest entry column for an emergency or intern credential teacher SSAmt N 7.2 J-90 Summer school pay rate per session Note5_1 C 60 J-90 Summer school pay rate explanation ColHead C 5 J-90 Beginning salary column heading description EFTE N 9.2 J-90 Number of FTEs with emergency or intern credential SSHR N 7.2 J-90 Summer school pay rate per hour SSDAY N 9.2 J-90 Summer school daily rate CHARTER C 1 J-90 Salary schedule include charter school teachers? (Y/N) CHTFTE N 6 J-90 Number of charter school FTES included in the J-90 R_OTHER N 1 J-90 Is other benefit plan, a replacement or addition to the other health plans in retired employees over 65; 1=addition, 2=replacement UR_OTHER N 1 J-90 Is other benefit plan, a replacement or addition to the other health plans in retired employees under 66;1=addition, 2=replacement RETIRE N 1 J-90 Is benefit plan provided for retired employees over 65 URETIRE N 1 J-90 Is benefit plan provided for retired employees under 65 BONUSAPP C 1 J-90 Do bonuses increase automatically as across-the-board increases are applied to the salary schedule? (Y/N) LIABILITY N 13 J-90 Unfunded liability amount reported in actuarial study STUDYDATE C 10 J-90 Latest actuarial study date BA30COL N 3 Entered BA+30 Salary column number in the schedule -------------------------------------------------------- J-90 TSAL217 File Contains the text headings entered for each of the columns in the salary schedule, Section II Field # of Characters or Number Source Description of Contents County C 2 J-90 Two digit county code District C 5 J-90 Five digit district code CDS C 7 J-90 Seven digit combined code TS2_Col N 6 J-90 This indicates the column number TS2_Col1 C 20 J-90 "These fields contain the description for the column, up to 20 characters each. Example BA+60" TS2_Col1A C 20 J-90 "These fields contain the description for the column, up to 20 characters each. Example BA+60" TS2_Col2 C 20 J-90 "These fields contain the description for the column, up to 20 characters each. Example BA+60" Ts2_id N 6 Calculated Ts2 ID number that is generated when a J-90 is submitted. Each record has an ID number -------------------------------------------------------- J-90 TSAL317 File Contains the salary and FTEs for each column and salary in Section II Field # of Characters or Number Source Description of Contents County C 2 J-90 Two digit county code District C 5 J-90 Five digit district code CDS C 7 J-90 Seven digit combined code TS3_Col N 6 J-90 This indicates the column for the salary TS3_Step N 6 J-90 This is used to indicate the step for this salary TS3_Salary N 6 J-90 This is the annual salary TS3_FTE N 8.2 J-90 This is the number of FTEs associated with this column and step Ts3_SALCOS N 30 Calculated Calculated field of salary times number of FTEs Ts3_ID N 6 Calculated Ts3 ID number that is generated when a J-90 is submitted. Each record has an ID number -------------------------------------------------------- J-90 Tsal417 File Contains the benefit information in Section VII Field # of Characters or Number Source Description of Contents County C 2 J-90 Two digit county code District C 5 J-90 Five digit district code CDS C 7 J-90 Seven digit combined code TS4_Ben C 1 J-90 "A one character code indicating type of benefit. H for heath, D for dental, V for vision, L for life, O for other" TS4_Desc C 30 J-90 The name of the plan TS4_Step N 6 Calculated "The health benefit plans ID. The first is always 1, the second and subsequent like plans are number consequently. This is calculated by the input program" TS4_Column N 6 Calculated "A column 1 is always Single, 2 is two party plan, 3 is family plan, 4 is composite rate" TS4_Annual N 8.2 J-90 The annual cost of plan for active employees TS4_Contr N 8.2 J-90 The amount the district contributes to the cost of the plan TS4_FTE N 8.2 J-90 The number of active employees participating in the plan TS4_ID N 6 Calculated Ts4_ID number that is generated when a J-90 is submitted. Each record has an ID number -------------------------------------------------------- J-90 TSAL517 File Contains the benefit information in Section VIII for retirees over 65 Field # of Characters or Number Source Description of Contents County C 2 J-90 Two digit county code District C 5 J-90 Five digit district code CDS C 7 J-90 Seven digit combined code TS5_Ben C 1 J-90 "A one character code indicating type of benefit. H for heath, D for dental, V for vision, L for life, O for other" TS5_Desc C 30 J-90 The name of the plan TS5_Step N 6 Calculated "The health benefit plans ID. The first is always 1, the second and subsequent like plans are number consequently. This is calculated by the input program" TS5_Column N 6 Calculated "A column 1 is always Single, 2 is two party plan, 3 is family plan, 4 is composite rate" TS5-Annual N 8.2 J-90 The annual cost of plan TS5_Contr N 8.2 J-90 The amount the district contributes to the cost of the plan TS5_FTE N 8.2 J-90 The number of retired teachers (age 66 or over) participating in the plan TS5_ID N 6 Calculated Ts5_ID number that is generated when a J-90 is submitted. Each record has an ID number -------------------------------------------------------- J-90 TSAL617 File Contains the benefit information in Section VIII for retirees 65 and under Field # of Characters or Number Source Description of Contents County C 2 J-90 Two digit county code District C 5 J-90 Five digit district code CDS C 7 J-90 Seven digit combined code TS6_Ben C 1 J-90 "A one character code indicating type of benefit. H for heath, D for dental, V for vision, L for life, O for other" TS6_Desc C 30 J-90 The name of the plan TS6_Step N 6 Calculated "The health benefit plans ID. The first is always 1, the second and subsequent like plans are number consequently. This is calculated by the input program" TS6_Column N 6 Calculated "A column 1 is always Single, 2 is two party plan, 3 is family plan, 4 is composite rate" TS6_Annual N 8.2 J-90 The annual cost of plan TS6_Contr N 8.2 J-90 The amount the district contributes to the cost of the plan TS6_FTE N 8.2 J-90 The number of retired teachers (age 65 or under) participating in the plan TS6_ID N 6 Calculated Ts6_ID number that is generated when a J-90 is submitted. Each record has an ID number Questions may be directed to the Office of Financial Accountability and Information Services at: 916-322-1770