CDSCode|LEA|PriorityNumber|PolicyDev|BuildingCapacity|EdNeeds|EdServices|Records|SecondaryOpportunities|NeedsOfFosterYouth|OutcomeData|Performance|AdditionalInfo|SchoolYear 48104880000000|Solano County Office of Education|10|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|Met|On the Local Indicator Guide, the Solano County Office of Education scored at the Full Implementation and Sustainability level in all four areas. The Solano County Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program (FYSCP) provides technical assistance, training, and support to school districts and community partners in supporting the educational needs of foster youth. The County Office has developed an interagency agreement which outlines the coordination of services and information sharing processes among the different organizations. The County Office hosts bi-monthly collaboration meetings through the Foster Youth Education Planning Team which identifies gaps in services and brings community-based organizations together to find solutions. Solano County Office of Education staff is co-located at Solano Child Welfare Services (CWS) and acts as a liaison between the school districts and CWS to facilitate timely communication and transfer of records. County Office staff also provides annual training for each district and community partners on the needs of foster youth and evidence-based interventions.|2018