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Appeal Assistance Form

This form allows Web site visitors to contact the California Department of Education's (CDE's) Categorical Programs Complaints Management (CPCM) Office to inquire about the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP).

If you have a question regarding Special Education matters, call the CDE's Special Education Division at 800-926-0648 for assistance.

If your question is regarding discrimination, bullying, harassment, or intimidation, please call the CDE Education Equity UCP Appeals Office at 916-319-8239.

If your question is related to the local control funding formula or the local control accountability plan, please call the CDE's Local Agency Systems Support Office (LASSO) at 916-319-0809.

Your submission will be processed in the order it is received.

Asterisks (*) indicate required fields.



Characters remaining: 1500

Please do not submit multiple entries for the same issue.

Questions: Categorical Programs Complaints Management Office | 916-319-0929